A Follower of King Jesus

JEFF DOLES is a writer and blogger, a follower of King Jesus and a lover of the Trinity, exploring the Christian faith, spiritual life and the Bible. His desire is to help you take the next step of faith in your walk with the Lord, live in the reality of his kingdom and experience the presence and power of God in your life. So he has developed several spiritual resources:

Jeff is actively engaged in social media, with frequent thoughts, prayers, occasional discussions — and also a bit of fun. Feel free to interact.

Walking Barefoot

The whole world is a sacrament that points us to the reality of God. Everywhere we place our foot is holy. When we look with the eyes of faith, God shows himself in our lives and in our world in ways both powerful and quiet. This song is from our album by the same name, Walking Barefoot.


There is Always Joy!

There is Always Joy!Paul’s Letter to the Jesus Believers at Philippi
(Bite-Sized Studies Through the Book of Philippians)
by Jeff Doles

PAUL was in prison. The Jesus believers at Philippi were facing increasing persecution. Add to that an undercurrent of personal disagreements and division in the fellowship, and things were not looking very bright. Yet Paul said, “Rejoice in the Lord always.” There is always joy, and in his letter to the church at Philippi, Paul shows us how to find it.

Joy saturates this letter. It shows up in unexpected turnarounds in the midst of difficult circumstances. It is found in knowing Jesus in His humble, self-giving servanthood, in the power of His resurrection — and even in the fellowship of His suffering. It is discovered as together we pursue the Jesus-shaped life. More ...


The Focus of Our Faith

There is Always Joy!Paul’s Letter to the Jesus Believers at Colosse
(Bite-Sized Studies Through the Book of Colossians)
by Jeff Doles


Focus is important. The better your focus, the more clearly you can see. But it is important that your focus be on the right thing because your direction will follow your focus. When your focus is clear and on the right thing, then you will be heading in the right direction.

The gospel of our faith is the good news that the kingdom of God has come and Jesus is the Messiah, God’s anointed King. He is the focus of our faith — not only the One upon whom we fix our attention but also the One through whom we view the whole world, to see more clearly and understand God’s purpose with greater wisdom. That is what Paul’s letter to the Jesus believers at Colosse is about. More ...


Personal Confessions from the Psalms

Personal Confessions from the PsalmsPrayers and Affirmations for a Life of Faith, Happiness and Awe in God


The psalms of the Bible are powerful expressions of the heart of faith in covenant with God, and of the heart of God in covenant with His people. Confessing the psalms is simply speaking in agreement with them, and is a great way to meditate on, personalize and instruct your soul with the truths and promises they bring.

The personal confessions in this book are adapted from the psalms. They are defibrillations to shift your heart into the rhythms of faith, to recalibrate your thoughts and emotions with the promises of God and realign your will with the heart of God. But don’t just read them. Find a place where you can say them out loud and maybe even shout them out with passion. Let them go up with a whoop and a holler to God, with the velocity of faith, and watch what happens in your heart and in your life. More ...

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