There is Always Joy!

The Focus of Our FaithPaul’s Letter to the Jesus Believers at Philippi
(Bite-Sized Studies Through the Book of Philippians)
by Jeff Doles
Walking Barefoot Ministries
ISBN 978-0-982353684-6 (paperback)
5.5 x 8.5 in., 138 pages
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$9.99 USD



PAUL was in prison. The Jesus believers at Philippi were facing increasing persecution. Add to that an undercurrent of personal disagreements and division in the fellowship, and things were not looking very bright. Yet Paul said, “Rejoice in the Lord always.” There is always joy, and in his letter to the church at Philippi, Paul shows us how to find it.

Joy saturates this letter. It shows up in unexpected turnarounds in the midst of difficult circumstances. It is found in knowing Jesus in His humble, self-giving servanthood, in the power of His resurrection — and even in the fellowship of His suffering. It is discovered as together we pursue the Jesus-shaped life. In this book you will also learn about:

These are “bite-size” studies to help guide you through Paul’s letter, a little at a time. At the end of each study are focus questions to help you think further about the truths Paul brings. They are open-ended questions to allow for maximum personal reflection and group discussion.

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JEFF DOLES is a Christian writer and Bible teacher. His books include The Kingdom of Heaven on Earth: Keys to the Kingdom of God in the Gospel of Matthew, Praying With Fire: Change Your World with the Powerful Prayers of the Apostles and Miracles and Manifestations of the Holy Spirit in the History of the Church. He and his wife Suzanne live near Tampa, FL.

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