Mountain Evangelism Proves Successful

Garrette Bostick, who is doing gospel work in the mountains, and who is Superintendent of the Blue Ridge Mountain Bible Mission, sends us the following report of victory:

I was going from house to house in a community about 14 miles from where we live. About 3 P.M. I knocked on the door of a house and a woman in a very gruff voice said "Come in." I found the man and woman in bed, but not undressed. I noticed the man did not look around. I asked if they were sick, and she said she was worn out from losing sleep and waiting on him. She was certainly anything but pleasant. After awhile she came around and sat near the fire. I asked her if she was saved and she said no, she had so many trials and troubles that she wasn't interested. The man had never spoken, but she said he was saved. Then she told me this story:

Her husband had been stricken with creeping paralysis 12 years ago, and for the last 7 years he hadn't been able to even feed himself. He couldn't talk and had to be turned in the bed and cared for like a baby. He is a pitiful sight.

I again talked to her about her soul's salvation. I read Scripture and had prayer. I spent quite a long time and while I was pleading with her to surrender her all to Jesus, her husband, with tears in his eyes, was making a kind of whimpering noise. After much witnessing she made a definite, clear cut stand for God, and before I left she took my hand, and with tears in her eyes said "I am going all the way with God."

The Faith Temple is sending boxes of clothing, toys, etc., for the Mountain Bible Mission to use among the poor in the mountains.

Mr. Bostick asks us to pray for their health, a building, and that God will use them to win many souls to His cause and Kingdom.

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Presented by
Walking Barefoot Ministries

© 2000 by Jeff Doles