Children Saved in Mountain School

God has opened many doors to us for service here in the mountains. Only His power could set aside many of the barriers the Devil has erected to hinder the spreading of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

We believe the most fertile and needy ground for sowing the seeds of salvation throughout this mountain region is to be found among the children. It is truly pathetic that many of them are growing up without Christ; many are in homes which do not even possess a Bible. In many cases the one Bible of the home is a sort of heirloom, which is handed down from father to son, and is kept packed away in a trunk, and is only opened to register the death of a relative or the birth of a new born babe. We have found many children of school age who have never been to Sunday School.

In so many instances the home life and environment of the children is anything but the best. All that some of them know is drinking, cursing, and hard work. Most of the families are very large. It is not unusual to find in home after home anywhere from 8 to 13 children.

Thus, one can readily see there are many little hearts to be reached with the message of Christ. We are asking guidance of our Savior in placing us in every available gap, that we may be used to reach every one that it is humanly possible and especially the children. How true is that "to save a child is to save a life."

Shortly after we came here last fall, Frances (my wife) was greatly burdened for the children in a small public school, which is located in an isolated section, far out on a little mountain trail, and about two miles from where we live. After much prayer, and the promise from God of an open door, she took the matter up with the school teacher, a very pleasant young lady, but who seemingly was not much concerned about the cause of Christ. We had learned that she had no kind of devotional or chapel or Bible reading at the school. However, she seemed to think it a fine idea for someone to teach the Bible to the children.

She said that it would be necessary to get the consent of the superintendent of the schools; and kindly offered to see him at her first opportunity. He approved the idea, but said that the parents of the school children must give their consent also. When we heard it had been referred to the parents, we felt assured of an open door, as we were favorably known in that community, having helped in a meeting over a year ago. How wonderful the thought that God, by His Mighty Spirit, is able to remove the highest mountain of opposition, to melt the strongest wall of prejudice, and to break through the most endless red tape—all these, the Devil's weapons for hindering God's work.

"We praise God for opening the way that the Bible could be taught in this school, once each week."

Frances on right.
Near Bakersville, NC.

Mrs. Woody's class.  Near Bakersville, NC.

We praise God for opening the way that the Bible could be taught in this school, once each week. Frances went to the school where she taught the children Gospel songs and choruses. They also memorized Scripture verses, for which they were awarded gospels of John. She also made use of chalk talks and object lessons emphasizing a clean life through Christ, and bringing out forcibly with every message the plan of salvation in a simple, direct manner that the smallest child could understand. How they seemed to enjoy the songs and choruses, as well as reciting the books of the Bible in unison—and they actually sang the New Testament books. They also enjoyed making the Books and posters carrying some of the subjects about which they were studying, and which when finished, were proudly carried home.

At the close of the last lesson before the Christmas holidays, she asked how many of the children would give their hearts to Jesus. There were 8 out of 22 who raised their hands, many of them with tear-filled eyes.

Shortly after the holidays, she was unable to go back to the school for a few weeks on account of illness. However, in spite of the doctor's advice to give up the school for the rest of the term, she took up the work again as God had definitely led her to continue the work until the end of the school year.

On her return she found quite a change in the teacher. There were Scripture verses and some of the books of the Bible written on the blackboard. These had been put there by the teacher to encourage the pupils in learning them. The last lesson for this term was given Tuesday. The subject of the object lesson for this time was, "And the door was shut." In this message she brought out the thought of four doors, namely, The Door of the Bridal Party, The Door of the Ark, The Door of the Heart, and The Door of Life. At the close of the lesson the invitation was given for all those who wished to open their hearts' door to Jesus and take Him as their Savior, or all who already had done so to signify by their upraised hands. In response to this invitation there were 13 hands raised including the teacher, for which we do praise God, Who said, "Suffer the little children to come unto Me."

We have no way of knowing how much has been accomplished in the hearts of these children, or of the depth of their sincerity or understanding, but God knows, and we do know that He had promised that His word will not return unto Him void. God grant that we may be used to hide that in the heart of every child here in the mountains. That is our prayer in which we request all of God's people to join us. May we also ask a great interest in your prayers that we may be used to win many souls for our Savior. Also, remember the mission needs.

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Presented by
Walking Barefoot Ministries

© 2000 by Jeff Doles